Student Resources
FAQ Guide
Each SPLH major and pre-requisite student is assigned both an undergraduate academic advisor and a faculty mentor.
The College Advising & Student Services Office (CASS) SPLH Undergraduate Academic Advisor is currently Victoria Celli. You can schedule an appointment by calling College Advising & Student Services at (785) 864-3500 during normal business hours (8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday).
Each SPLH major and pre-requisite student is assigned both an undergraduate academic advisor and a faculty mentor.
Faculty mentors will be able to provide information about co-curricular (e.g., research and clinical opportunities) and extra-curricular (e.g., KU National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association KUNSSLHA) activities that will enhance your career preparation. In addition, your faculty mentor can provide information about careers in speech language pathology, audiology, research, and related fields. Faculty mentors will also serve as a resource for information about Graduation School Application Tutorial.
Students should meet with their assigned faculty mentor after creating a plan of study with Ms.Celli Students can contact with any questions about their assigned faculty mentor.
Study abroad is a valuable experience for SPLH majors because it helps you develop cultural competence: the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Developing skills in this area can increase competitiveness for graduate school admissions and for job opportunities post-graduation. KU Study Abroad offers short-term faculty-led programs, summer internships, and semester-long programs. There are appropriate options in each of these areas for SPLH majors. The links below will help you begin to explore your options. After you have reviewed these materials, please visit the KU Office of Study Abroad for further assistance in identifying the right program for you. They are located in 105 Lippincott Hall with office hours Monday-Friday 9-5 or you can email
Additional information can be found on the Opportunities page.
To ensure our students are ready to take certain courses permission numbers are utilized while enrolling.
Undergraduate course permission numbers can be obtained by contacting When emailing please include course and class number (5-digit code) to aid in the process.
Graduate course permission numbers can be obtained by contacting the graduate academic advisor, Andy True,
Students can add/drop a class through Enroll & Pay. After enrollment period has closed students will need to fill out a schedule change form(pdf) to add/drop.
To change credit hours after enrolling online will require a change schedule form.
For help with adjusting your credit hours please use the tutorial pdf.
Preparing for graduation can be an exciting time. To better prepare yourself for graduating and commencement below are some helpful university and department websites to go for information.
The 9th Annual Betty H. Bunce
Multicultural Lecture
Speech-Language-Hearing: Sciences & Disorder Presents:
Joshuaa Allison-Burbank
PhD, CCC-SLP and Assistant Scientist at Johns Hopkins University.
"+Language is Medicine: Supporting Indigenous Toddler Development Through Caregiver-Implemented Interventions"
Presenting on:
Monday, April 7th 2025
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Capitol Federal Hall 1020
Mental Health and Wellbeing:
- Mental Health Services
- KU Health Services
- The Support and Care Referral Team: free, confidential and voluntary service for students that have experienced sexual violence, stalking or relationship harm.
- Impact Programs and Services: campus cupboard, pregnant/parenting resource pantry, trans closet, winter clothing closet
Academic Resources:
- Academic Catalog
- KU Core Curriculum
- KU Writing Center
- KU Undergraduate Research Center
- Office of Graduate Studies
- Study Abroad and Global Engagement
- KU Center for Community Outreach
- Office of Multicultural Affairs
Professional Resources:
The Center for Teaching Excellence offers another extensive list of more student resources available.